Links to Resources
Etext collections and repositories
  • Project Gutenberg
    The granddaddy of the E-text sites, Project Gutenberg has over 59,000 free ebooks in multiple formats (including audiobooks) and languages. All texts are either in the public domain in the U.S., or the copyright holder has given permission for unlimited free non-commercial use.
    • Projekt Gutenberg-DE
      Hosted by Spiegel Online, this site has well over 5,000 free ebooks in German (both German translations and those originally written in German).
    • Project Gutenberg Australia
      Has over 3,700 free ebooks, not all of which appear on the main Project Gutenberg website.
  • MIT Internet Classics Archive
    The Internet Classics Archive contains over 400 works (mostly Greek and Roman) from 59 different authors. Visitors may contribute to forum-style discussions of the various works.
    Huge collection of Great Books and classic literature, including the entire Harvard Classics collection.
  • Perseus Digital Library
    A project of Tufts University, their flagship collection covers the history, literature and culture of the Greco-Roman world. They also have a great deal of material from 19th century America, plus some Arabic, Germanic, and Renaissance works.
All links verified on or after July 2, 2019
Great Books Organizations
  • Center for the Study of the Great Ideas
    The Center for the Study of the Great Ideas, founded by Dr. Mortimer Adler and Dr. Max Weismann, has two main purposes: to "awaken citizens from their moral and intellectual slumbers and to understand why philosophy is everybody's business;" and to "promulgate the insights and ideals embedded in Dr. Adler's lifelong intellectual work in the fields of Philosophy, Liberal Education, Ethics and Politics."
  • Great Books Foundation
    The Great Books Foundation "is an independent, nonprofit educational organization whose mission is to provide people of all ages with the opportunity to read, discuss, and learn from outstanding works of literature." Established in 1947, the Foundation has helped thousands of people to begin their own Great Books discussion groups.
All links verified on or after July 2, 2019
Study Guides and Student Resources
  • Free Book Notes
    The site links to online study guides and summaries of books ancient, classic and modern, with over 150,000 resources linked covering more than 47,000 books.
  • Great Books Guide
    A guide to not only the Great Books, but other classic literature as well as modern novels. Includes short reviews, synopses, interviews and profiles, a sugested reading list, and more.
  • Shmoop
    From their website: "Shmoop will make you a better lover (of literature, history, life). See many sides to the argument. Find your writing groove. Understand how lit and history are relevant today. We want to show your brain a good time. Our mission: To make learning and writing more fun and relevant for students in the digital age."
    This site has two pages full of links to study and research resources that were too good to pass up, even though only a small portion are devoted to literature:
Discount Textbook Suppliers
    Price-compares dozens of sites to find you the best deal on buying (used, new, or ebook) or renting the textbooks you need.
  • Chegg
    Buy or rent textbooks at up to 90% off. Also has a membership section (Chegg Study) where you can get study help and access step-by-step textbook solutions for over 34,000 ISBNs.
All links verified on or after July 2, 2019
Miscellaneous Links and Resources
  • Author's Calendar
    A gold mine of biographical information about over 1000 authors, from the famous to the totally obscure. Sorted by last name and birthday (hence, the "Calendar"), so you can see which authors share your birthday (or throw a birthday party for your favorite!). Just select "Authors' Calendar" from the left-side menu.
  • Gutenberg College
    From their website: "Our curriculum is based on the Great Books, and our classes are discussion-based and intimate. Our goal is to promote critical thinking and historical awareness by providing a broad-based liberal education in an environment respectful of biblical Christianity."
All links verified on or after July 2, 2019

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