Charles Dickens
- à Kempis, Thomas
- Abelard, Peter
- Adams, Henry
- Adler, Mortimer J.
- Aeschylus
- Aesop
- Alcott, Louisa May
- Alighieri, Dante
- Andersen, Hans Christian
- St. Anselm of Canterbury
- Apollonius of Perga
- Aquinas, St. Thomas
- Archimedes
- Ariosto, Ludovico
- Aristophanes
- Aristotle
- Arminius, Jacobus
- Arouet, François-Marie (Voltaire)
- Assisi, St. Francis of
- St. Athanasius the Great
- St. Augustine of Hippo
- Aurelius, Marcus
- Austen, Jane
- Ávila, St. Teresa of
- Bacon, Francis
- Baldassare Castiglione
- Balzac, Honoré de
- Barrie, J.M.
- Baum, L. Frank
- Beckett, Samuel
- St. Benedict of Nursia
- Bentham, Jeremy
- Bergson, Henri
- Berkeley, George
- St. Bernard of Clairvaux
- Bernard, Claude
- Beyle, Marie-Henri (Stendhal)
- Blackmore, R. D.
- Blake, William
- Boccaccio, Giovanni
- Boswell, James
- Brecht, Bertolt
- Brontë, Anne
- Brontë, Charlotte
- Brontë, Emily
- Browne, Sir Thomas
- Browning, Elizabeth Barrett
- Buber, Martin
- Bunyan, John
- Burke, Edmund
- Burnett, Frances Hodgson
- Lord Byron (George Gordon)